Welcome 2018 (change future plan)

Welcome 2018

This is my first post in this new year 2018, I have no intention to celebrate the new year (like the people who blow the trumpet or light the fireworks to celebrate it) unless to do evaluation of what I have done in the past and what I am going to do in the future. Well, I realize that time is running fast and I am getting older, even sometimes I can say to myself (when I was sitting down alone) that “Ghufron, today you are an uncle with one nephew and one niece. And you are the one who are single in your family”.  It sounds like pathetic for me, but trust me I feel very good with this situation *chuckle, trying to entertaining myself*.  

You know I am kind of serious and perfectionist person, I wrote my future plan on the piece of paper when I was living in Tangerang at the end of 2011. On that time I just graduated from the university and trying to build my career as a software developer. Seriously that was the unforgettable moment and I always miss that moment. The moment when I have to spare my money to pay tuition (cause I pursued bachelor degree) and certainly for myself. The moment when I went to my hometown on the evening of Friday and come back to Tangerang on Monday.  And much much more moments that sometimes make me smiling to myself when I remember it.

Time keeps running and I am still struggling to achieve what I had written on that piece of paper. Until in the beginning of 2017 I realized there is only one “dream” that I have to achieve, that is “get married”. Therefore to achieve this last “dream” (I mean I will write the next future plan after get married), I was trying to improve my appearance especially my own style. You know I am kind of man who does not too care about style. Even I had revealed my intention to someone whom I have fallen in love with her. You know what the answer ? she refused me *again, chuckle to myself and trying to entertaining myself*

As a human being absolutely this was very painfull for me, you know I am a jomblo since 10 years ago *laughing to myself* and the moment when I very serious to get married with her, she refused me. Hehehe but as a believer (Aamiin ya Allah) I believe that Allah is preparing something better for me. Until finally Allah has given to me an idea, I said to myself “Why don’t you pursue master degree, so you can learn new knowlegde, you will meet great people”. Ah this is the great idea, I was trying to do cost estimation to make this idea happen and alhamdulillah, insya Allah it will be enough.

So today in the beginning of 2018 I would say that I was changing my future plan, so insya Allah I will concentrate to pursue master degree before get married. May Allah bless my dream and always bless my life * rise hand to Allah*.

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