Step by step setup Liferay 6.2 CE in local PC

Okay now I will guide you to setup Liferay 6.2 CE in your local PC,

1. Download Liferay 6.2 (or latest stable version) in here , for the beginners I suggest you to download Liferay Bundle with tomcat (for development purposes). 

2. After downloaded, please create a folder in the root drive (eg. D:/liferayRnd) and create sub folder which name is “bundles” ,

Liferay Bundles Directory

Liferay Bundles Directory

3. Extract the liferay package to the bundles directory that you’ve made on step 2.

Extract Liferay Plugin into Bundle Directory

Extract Liferay Plugin into Bundle Directory

4. Open your console and go to D:\liferayRnd\bundles\tomcat-7.0.42\bin, you can start liferay using command startup

Run Liferay over Console

Run Liferay over Console

5. As default Liferay using H2 SQL db, you can change database when first time running

Liferay Running in Your Machine

Liferay Running in Your Machine

6. The configuration will be saved in D:\liferayRnd\bundles\ you can add at the same directory to override portal setting.

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