Okay now I will guide you to setup Liferay 6.2 CE in your local PC,
1. Download Liferay 6.2 (or latest stable version) in here , for the beginners I suggest you to download Liferay Bundle with tomcat (for development purposes).
2. After downloaded, please create a folder in the root drive (eg. D:/liferayRnd) and create sub folder which name is “bundles” ,
3. Extract the liferay package to the bundles directory that you’ve made on step 2.
4. Open your console and go to D:\liferayRnd\bundles\tomcat-7.0.42\bin, you can start liferay using command startup
5. As default Liferay using H2 SQL db, you can change database when first time running
6. The configuration will be saved in D:\liferayRnd\bundles\portal-setup-wizard.properties you can add portal-ext.properties at the same directory to override portal setting.